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Interest rates are a fundamental concept in finance and investments. They impact the economy in various ways and have a significant effect on the financial decisions we make. In this blog post, we'll explore how interest rates work and their impact on the economy.

What Are Interest Rates?

Interest rates are the cost of borrowing money. When you take out a loan, you agree to pay back the amount you borrowed plus an additional percentage, which is the interest rate. Interest rates can also be earned on savings accounts or investments, where you earn interest on the money you've deposited.

How Do Interest Rates Work?

Interest rates are determined by the supply and demand for credit. When there's a high demand for credit, such as during an economic expansion, interest rates tend to rise. When there's a low demand for credit, such as during a recession, interest rates tend to fall.

The Impact of Interest Rates on Borrowing and Investment

Low interest rates can encourage borrowing and investment, which can lead to economic growth. For example, when interest rates are low, it's cheaper for businesses to borrow money to invest in new projects, which can create jobs and stimulate the economy. Additionally, low interest rates can encourage consumers to buy homes and cars, which can also contribute to economic growth.

On the other hand, high interest rates can discourage borrowing and investment, which can slow down economic growth. When interest rates are high, it's more expensive for businesses and consumers to borrow money, which can lead to a decrease in spending and investment.

The Impact of Interest Rates on Savings

Interest rates also impact savings. When interest rates are high, savings accounts and other investments tend to offer higher returns, which can encourage people to save more. When interest rates are low, savings accounts and other investments tend to offer lower returns, which can discourage people from saving.


Interest rates are a critical component of the financial system and impact the economy in significant ways. By understanding how interest rates work and their impact on borrowing, investment, and savings, you can make more informed financial decisions.


[1] Investopedia. (2021). Interest Rate. [online] Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/interestrate.asp

[2] The Balance. (2021). How Interest Rates Affect the U.S. Markets. [online] Available at: https://www.thebalance.com/how-interest-rates-affect-the-u-s-markets-4164654

Interest Rates Image


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